A Million Brilliant Shadows

Imitations of a Poet

Posted on: 29 August 2009

This week’s Sunday Scribblings:

I have just come back from attending a poetry reading in Bath. Sharon Olds held the room spellbound as she read her poetry and talked about writing. (I highly recommend a poetry reading if you’ve never been. It makes poetry into something completely different!) For some, the word poetry conjures up terror; other people’s mouths begin to water in anticipation. Very few people feel nothing about it. Either way, your assignment this week is to write some – whether you like it or not!

I am not a poet by any means.  The extent of my poetry comes from the online version of those magnetic poetry kits.  In fact, when I read this week’s assignment, I hopped right over to the website and started messing around with some of the words.  It definitely helped get me started on my poem.  I haven’t been able to think of a title that really fits it yet though.

We tantalize this world.
Wild voices lifted up,
never listening, barely hearing.
Luck our only friend.
How far have we come?
How far will we make it?
Souls remember forever
those things we can never truly know.

6 Responses to "Imitations of a Poet"

You’re not a poet, indeed! *snorts* I thought that was lovely. And though I’m no poetry critic, I think others would as well. Let us know when you find its title!

I liked it. Seems like a good poem to me. flowed nicely, said something and went somewhere. what more is there. how about calling it “those things”

You are most definitely a poet! This spoke volumes…deep and lovely. Thank you for sharing.

A lovely poem. Perhaps you have a hidden talent!

I love the idea of souls remembering…there seems to be a comfort in that for me. Great poem!

amazing how some of us who’ve never dipped into the well that is poetry have jumped in…

you swam beautifully in it’s waters.

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101 Goals in 1001 Days

Start date: 19 July 2009
End date: 15 April 2012

Total goals: 85
Goals to be determined: 16
Goals completed: 4
Goals in progress: 10

You can find my full list here.

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